in conversation

in conversation

A series of pictures about 
nature and environment that
depicts a conversation within myself in my 
mind, heart & soul.

beauty is what hidden inside, get closer if you looking for it! 
A mere bunch of flowers with some strange leaves, in the corner of the lawn.No one would have noticed them as they did not look beautiful.
I was with my 50 mm inside the lawn, shooting insects ( lol ) & i came across these ugly looking plant.
A lot of thoughts passed, as i stared them for a while...
Beauty lies within, 
God is in minute details,
Everything created by God is beautiful,
etc etc etc...
and finally a conversation of by my mentor Ritamsir, with some JJ institutes's students outside the NCPA, just hold your 50 mm lens the other way round to shoot macro.
that's exactly what I did. 
a conversation

a dead leaf on the table 
woke up to the beautiful tiny birds chirping outside the window.
stepping out of the door on wet green grass, tiny little water dues waiting for the sun to take them back in the open sky.
I smiled. 
Stretching my lazy muscles to start the day & my eyes stop at this dead leaf on the table.
And a conversation within myself starts... 

dip beneath the nature 
A dip beneath the nature
that connects you with your dreams,
the little blurred thoughts of future, 
smudged with each other,
the result that glows like a ray of sun in your eyes, 
those dreams that force you to breathe,
when you are under an ocean of thoughts...
dreams... that you see beneath the nature!

its almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream 
I dedicate this picture to the love of my life ♥
She is exactly 
Like this sunset, beautiful,
Like the leaves, soft,
Like the colors, vibrant,
Like the God's creation, an ANGEL 
I actually had a dream about YOU ♥ and I wish it comes true!!! 
Mmuah baby , u r the bestest!!!! 
or shuld i say 
WE r the bestest!!! :) 
I lOVE YOu ♥ 

its amazing how the simple parts of a plant 
like the leaves and stem can be capture so beautifully.
its amazing how our mind complicates 
in an ascending order as we grow, because we are born with the simplest goal in our mind - to breathe
its amazing how simplicity is the core reason to happiness.
its amazing how difficult it is to be simple. 
its amazing how the most famous in the world 
are the most simplest person by habits, living & thoughts. 
Only one simple thought - HARD WORK 
my mentor Ritam Sir, used to say - 
its simple to be difficult but difficult to be simple. 

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